started at 2022-05-22 15:58:07 and ended on 2022-05-22 16:05:53

15:58:07 : Fraskesa attacks Elentari.
16:00:15 : Elentari hits aged alert rift summoner deadly hard in the right shoulder and harms it.
16:00:19 : Elentari hits aged alert rift summoner deadly hard in the right underarm and harms it.
16:00:23 : Elentari hits aged alert rift summoner deadly hard in the right hand and harms it.
16:00:28 : Elentari hits aged alert rift summoner deadly hard in the chest and harms it.
16:00:32 : Elentari hits aged alert rift summoner deadly hard in the right calf and harms it.
16:00:36 : Elentari hits aged alert rift summoner deadly hard in the left underarm and damages it.
16:00:40 : Elentari hits aged alert rift summoner deadly hard in the chest and harms it.
16:00:44 : Elentari hits aged alert rift summoner deadly hard in the left shoulder and harms it.
16:00:48 : Elentari hits aged alert rift summoner deadly hard in the lower back and harms it.
16:00:52 : Elentari hits aged alert rift summoner deadly hard in the chest and harms it.
16:00:56 : Elentari hits aged alert rift summoner deadly hard in the left upper arm and damages it.
16:01:00 : Elentari hits aged alert rift summoner deadly hard in the left hand and harms it.
16:01:04 : Elentari hits aged alert rift summoner deadly hard in the right underarm and harms it.
16:01:04 : aged alert rift summoner dies by the hands of Elentari.
16:01:05 : aged rift beast claws Elentari extremely hard in the left thigh and hurts it.
16:01:53 : old rift ogre mage burns Elentari extremely hard in the chest and hurts it.
16:05:53 : Fraskesa leaves the battle.